University of Sannio (Benevento)

The high-performance computational system hosted by the Benevento hub consists of an HP superdome server consisting of 224 CPU cores distributed on 16 microprocessors Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8280 and 1 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU unit managed by the RedHAT Enterprise Linux version 8 operating system. The system has a highly reliable storage capacity of approximately 150 TB and allows memory allocation up to to 1.5TB RAM.
The HP superdome architecture allows you to scale the computing power of the system linearly up to 32 microprocessors and 40 TB RAM. The link to the GARR university backbone allows the secure sharing of genomic data with the other Biogem and Unisa hubs. The system hosts the latest generation genomic processing tools and bioinformatics software development environments (RStudio, Python) and is integrated with the user authentication system of the Biogem hub, allowing effective and secure management of operator access.