“Research is the engine of the future”

ricercatrice al lavoro all'interno del centro

Our research

The main areas of research carried out in CRGS include:

  • Personalized, Precision and Systems Medicine
  • Cancer Genetics, Oncogenomics and Medical and Comparative Genomics
  • Functional Genomics
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Our research aims at understanding the basic mechanisms of various diseases, exploiting the technological advances of the last decade and the enormous amount of biological, clinical and socio-economic data currently available to improve some of the most relevant challenges to health systems and our quality of life.

The funding currently available to the research groups of the Center derives from projects supported by, both national and international Public Institutions and Private Associations.

The project “Monitoring the spread and genomic variability of the Covid 19 virus in Campania using NGS technology” (DD n.75 del 20/07/2020), founded by Campania Region within the Public Notice for the acquisition of expressions of interest for the implementation of research and development services to fight against COVID-19, involves a partnership coordinated by the Genome Research Center for Health, the Department of Medicine and the Research Center in Pure and Applied Mathematics (CRMPA) of the University of Salerno.

The results obtained allowed the development of a rapid and low-cost method for the detection of viral RNA in biological samples.

strumentazione del centro


The training activities of the Center include advanced training courses for talented young researchers, PhD students and students proposed by the Scientific Technical Committee for continuous training in all professional fields connected to its activities.

The inspiring theme of the training activities is to create a center of excellence for training promising researchers in the biomedical sciences, while allowing broad access to CRGS expertise, methods and resources.

The overarching and inspiring theme for CRGS’s external training activities is to create a centre of excellence for training promising researchers in the biomedical sciences, while enabling broad access to CRGS’s expertise, methods and resources.

Attualmente il CRGS si avvale di ricercatori quali dottorandi, docenti di Università e imprese socie, con esperienza consolidata in medicina molecolare, genetica clinica, genomica, bioinformatica e informatica.

In collaborazione con il corso di Dottorato in "Medicina traslazionale dello sviluppo e dell'invecchiamento attivo" della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia “Scuola Medica Salernitana” dell’Università di Salerno, il CRGS ospita studenti che stanno sviluppando progetti di ricerca nell’ambito dei seguenti curricula: 

  • Tecnologie innovative in medicina traslazionale e clinica; 
  • Medicina traslazione e clinica
students during a training lesson

our publications

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